MapQuest interactive map
Use the navigations and options on the right side of the interactive map.
You can switch the map view to satellite imagery, view traffic declines, accidents, and the positions and the pictures of the traffic webcams, using Live Map by MapQuest.
MapQuest Driving Directions
Use MapQuest services to find accurate driving directions, walking directions to multiple destinations, reverse routing, maps, live traffic and road conditions. Find nearby businesses like restaurants, hotels and much more. Explore the world now!
To search, use the name of a place, city, state, or address, or click your desired location on the interactive map.
Do you wish to customize your driving route by dragging?
We know quite a few ways to get you where you’re going – we also know that sometimes only you know the best fit route for you.
Use MapQuest’s drag features to put you in control when it comes to customizing your driving directions to meet your needs.
Easily choose which roads to use by clicking and dragging the routing line itself until it snaps to the route you wish to drive on.